Clinical networks via 5G
KliNet5G is one of six satellite projects accompanying the flagship project CampusOS, which aims to develop a modular campus network on the basis of an open 5G radio technology and interoperable network components. It is funded within the framework of the current technology programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
In brief
- Project start: 1st April 2022
- Project end: 31st March 2025
- Active partner

Supporting this flagship project, KliNet5G is evaluating the viability of an open network infrastructure for hospitals based on 5G. One of its main targets is to realise the safe and real-time operation of medical devices using a universal foot switch, as well as to locate medical equipment within the hospital grounds in question.
Within this project, steute is researching the use of 5G and low-energy sensors within the computer network to locate both the controlling devices and the devices to be controlled. Reliable localisation is a prerequisite for the operation of medical devices to IEEE 11073 Service-oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) standards.
Over the further course, prototype device functions are to be devised using 5G mobile radio and network technology, as well as evaluated in direct comparison to cabled variants from named manufacturers. With the aid of a prototype 5G OpenRAN foot switch connector with SDC connectivity, risks and economic potential for the flagship project are to be identified.

Project partners
- Leipzig University Faculty of Medicine (ICCAS Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery) and University Hospital Leipzig AöR (Information management), Consortium Leader
- Inova DE GmbH
- MotionMiners GmbH
- Schölly Fiberoptic GmbH
- steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
- TU Chemnitz (Chair of Communication Networks)
- University of Rostock (IMD)