Cybersecurity requirements for surgical foot controls
As a leading manufacturer of user interfaces for medical equipment, steute Technologies is used to providing high safety standards. In order to optimise IT safety and data protection security, steute conducted a project with the title "Cybersecurity requirements for surgical foot controls".
The M4KK competence centre in Kiel, in conjunction with the UniTransferKlinik Lübeck GmbH (UTK) and its approval expertise, analysed surgical foot controls currently in use, comparing and contrasting their functionality with cybersecurity requirements. The objective was to ensure that the foot controls meet the FDA "Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices" requirements.
At steute, this information was then used to establish a new methodology enabling the specific implementation of solutions for concrete optimisation of data protection security. The project objective could thus be fulfilled, and a concept safeguarding cybersecurity drawn up. This concept will benefit both us and our customers in the future, making our user interfaces safer and simplifying their approval.
In brief
- Project start: 1st May 2021
- Project end: 31st December 2021
- Active partner

Project partners
- M4KK competence centre in Kiel
- steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
- UniTransferKlinik Lübeck GmbH